Beamable Releases Unity SDK 0.15.0

Beamable Releases Unity SDK 0.15.0

Beamable is happy to announce the 0.15.0 release of our Unity SDK. The full changelogs can be found below. Here are the highlights of the release.  Tournaments

A Tournament is a contest amongst players which recurs on configurable duration (e.g. daily) and delivers progression and rewards based on the outcome.

Group Tournaments

A Tournament is a contest amongst players which recurs on configurable duration (e.g. daily) and delivers progression and rewards based on the outcome. With Beamable 0.15.0, groups can compete as well, and you can control how player members get rewarded based on their group’s performance.

Score Rewards

In addition to the existing rank-based rewards, we’ve added specifiable player rewards based on the final score.

Passive Regression

The outcome of a tournament cycle determines whether a player will advance to the next stage, remain in the current stage, or regress to a previous stage. It is now possible to also optionally specify a non-participation stage-regression penalty. This effect compounds, meaning that if a player misses two cycles, they will suffer the regression twice.

Commerce Offers

Offers provide the ability to sell items and currencies to players for real money or virtual currency.

Listing Cooldowns

Cooldowns on Listings are defined on content and are the same for every player.  The Commerce service has a new method, AccelerateListingCooldown, which can be invoked from a Microservice to allow a Gamemaker to reduce the cooldown temporarily, for a listing,  for a single-player providing a more dynamic experience for the players.


Beamable’s inventory system has always supported items and soft currencies for players.

Console Commands

Three new console commands exist that let you get, set, or add currencies at runtime in your game. You can use this feature to quickly grant currencies or see what happens when a player is out of currency.

Meta Currency Properties

We’ve also added meta properties to currencies. You can store key-value data on individual currencies in a player’s inventory. This unlocks the ability to store the last modified date of a particular currency, a rate at which you want the currency to grow, or whatever other metadata you need.

Unity Editor

Beamable includes a variety of editor tooling and workflow support.

Usability Improvements

The 0.15.0 release includes several bug fixes and usability improvements. You can now control Beamable’s internal log level on the Project Settings/Beamable/Verbose Logging page. This can be really helpful if you need to monitor Beamable’s web traffic, or other internal messages.


  • Microservice Commerce Service AccelerateListingCooldown support to reduce the cooldown on a listing
  • Verbose logging capability available in Project Settings
  • Exposed cohort requirements for listing content
  • Tournaments now support the ability to specify group/guild-based rewards
  • Tournaments now support player score rewards in addition to the existing rank rewards
  • Tournaments allow developers to specify how many stages a player regresses if they do not participate in a cycle
  • Inventory now supports setting properties on currencies at runtime


  • Logging back into the Toolbox will remember your Realm selection per game
  • Validate, Publish and Download windows now appear in the center of Content Manager

Our changelogs can be found at